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Michał Żółtko

Michał Żółtko
Person Details
All Persons


  • Poland
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2025 Art, Music, and Worship Network

Ministry Focus

  • Worship


  • Christian Ministry

Funding Status (ELF)

  • Needs ELF Funding
Participants Answers

Michał Żółtko is a worship leader in Poland.

When did you trust Christ?

I was raised in a Christian family, so I was taught the truth of God from a very early age. Over the years, I got to know the Bible more and more, but this was only 'theoretical knowledge' for me. I tried many times to 'give me life to Jesus' during the Christian summer camps I attended, but with no long-lasting effect. However, there was a period in my life, around my 18th birthday, when I realised that I was a sinner and that my heart was corrupt. Moreover, I realised that I am personally responsible for my sins before God and that the punishment for my sins was death. This terrified me. But I realised the answer to this fear was in front of my eyes. The answer was Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for my sins. It became clear that I could have this great salvation if I only responded in faith.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

I have had a few such moments. First, in my church youth group and at summer camps, I met other followers of Jesus my own age. I could see them pray, see how they acted, and watch their closer relationships with God firsthand. Second, shortly after I followed Jesus, I felt a massive desire to serve. I searched for a while and finally found a proper place for me, which was serving as a guitar player in my church's worship band. After a few years, I was eventually asked to become the leader of the worship band, and I agreed. Third, I was asked to prepare and lead a few Bible studies for my church. This was a giant step for my faith and how I read the Bible.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I strongly believe that the next ELF will, as always, help me perform my ministry better. Lectures, new connections, and conversations at the Forum are important and helpful for me and my ministry. In addition, I hope that I can encourage other believers in how they participate in worship and in how they serve in their churches.

What is your ministry?

I am currently the worship leader in my church. I play the guitar, help select the songs, and help with the musical arrangements.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

In addition to leading worship, I have been a small group leader.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

Worship and music are essential parts of the weekly church gathering. There is a great need in our city for new churches, and I would love to help encourage and lead new people who are capable of serving through music. Attending the Forum will help me improve my leadership skills to serve in this way.