Kevin Reilly

Kevin Reilly is originally from the UK and was born again in May 1992 from a non-Christian background. He married Emma in 1995 and together they have 5 children, all of whom have now left home and are pursuing Jesus in different ways and places. In 1998, he went to university and trained to become a teacher and then - together with his family - he moved to London in 1999 to serve in a church plant. In 2001, he became an elder in a newly established church in East London. Emma and Kevin both carried a call to mission in Poland from 1995 and so in 2008, they moved with their children to Gdansk, Poland where they continue to share Jesus and make disciples. In 2017 Kevin, along with the RM Apostolic Team, established the Lighthouse Community - a community of pioneering leaders and partners, based in Central and Eastern Europe who are called to preach the Gospel and make disciples of the post-communist nations of Europe. They currently partner with brothers and sisters in Albania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.