Jakub Wierciński

Jakub Wierciński is a lay leader as his church in Poland.
I come from a Catholic family, but we never talked about God at home. When I was 12, my mom sent me to an English Baptist camp, and it was there that I heard the true Gospel for the first time. Initially, I was reluctant, but God slowly started working in my heart. I began attending Sunday services and delving into the meaning of God in my life. In 2010, I prayed for Jesus to allow me to be His disciple and follow His ways. I was baptised as a confession of my faith in May 2010.
After five years in Warsaw, my wife and I moved back to Gdańsk. There, we had many close friends from our youth who cared for us and helped us become an active part of the church. The second situation was my wife's first pregnancy. We found out that our baby had no kidneys and would either die during pregnancy or shortly after birth. We were devastated by this diagnosis, crying out to God to guide us through this situation. Soon after, we learned that our daughter had one kidney, which was sufficient for everyday life. The entire pregnancy was an enormous trial of faith for us. We believed that God is sovereign, and whatever He sets is perfectly good and right, yet on the other hand, we deeply desired this child. This tested our faith, strengthened it, cemented our marriage, and stood as a testimony to the church, which stood in prayer for us.
Attending the Forum has helped me better understand God's plan for men, women, and the family as an institution. It has also significantly contributed to my growth as a leader. I believe that attending ELF, learning, and meeting hundreds of leaders worldwide will allow me to take a big step forward in my leadership journey.
I host a Bible study group with my wife in our home, where I preach the Word. In our church, I manage the building and communicate with the building owner. I also advise the church council on investment and financial matters. Every few Sundays, I have the privilege of giving an introductory devotion. Furthermore, I serve at home; my wife and two daughters are my most important disciples. In my business, I strive to be a worthy servant of Jesus.
I was involved with organising and conducting VBS (Vacation Bible School). I have been a leader in a children's camp. I have hosted and led a home Bible study group for the last five years.
In Poland, most of society consists of nominal Catholics, although the culture is rapidly becoming more secularised. There is a tremendous and receptive field for missionary work, preaching the true Gospel, and supporting spiritual growth among believers. On the other hand, not many men are equipped to carry out this task. Most of them, like me, are first-generation believers.