Choonghee Hahn

Hahn Choong-hee is currently Executive Director of TIM (Tyrannus International Mission) and Associate Pastor in Onnuri Church, Korea. TIM was established 30 years ago by Onnuri Church and is currently sending 450 missionaries to 54 countries. He has also been serving as a Korean diplomat for 35 years with many senior positions including Special Advisor for Foreign Affairs to the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea and Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations and Director-General for Cultural Affairs.
Mr. Hahn received an MA from the University of Pennsylvania, a BA from Seoul National University, and an MA diploma from the University of Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne). He also received an MTS (Master of Theological Studies) at the Torch Trinity Theological Seminary in Korea.
He is married with two children.