Andreas Bartels

Andreas Bartels is the Director of VisioM, a mission organisation in Germany.
It was in 1974 when I was 11 years old.
The first was my baptism was during my time as a student. The second was the decision not to continue my career as a Physicist to serve the LORD full time. The third was the loss of 3 children (Gecko, Jann, and Markus) during pregnancy and the birth and life of 2 more (Johanna and Oswin), who are walking with Him too. The fourt was the loss of my first wife Annja to cancer and God's (supernatural) gift of Elisabeth, my present wife.
I want to get new spiritual and missional input again, invest in others with what we offer (e.g., Disciplometer, media, mentoring), and talk about possible cooperations.
I am directing VisioM, a mission organisation, providing strategies, project concepts, and media to challenge and equip Christians to reach out to unbelievers and intentionally talk about spiritual matters. Our present focus is to help people grow in their discipleship, an evangelistic website and network for refugees, migrants, and people working with them called, and to give seminars and workshops to foster spiritual growth and a missionary mindset, often using the ‘Disciplometer’, now offered in 11 languages, partly as a result of the Forum. Also, we made some enhancements to the ‘Disciplometer’ as a result of feedback from Forum participants and brought some ideas on how to approach interested people and about apologetics.
After I led the German ‘Jesus’ film ministry for about 12 years, we founded the new ministry of VisioM, which I have been directing since then.
We have a heart for discipleship and evangelism, which we want to share. We do not have a sizeable donor base and are only a small team, but we have a significant influence on refugees and migrants from closed countries and even into those countries through the multiple languages on With the ‘Disciplometer’, we help groups, churches, and individual Christians evaluate their discipleship and discover points for spiritual growth.