1 Peter 4:9-10 tells us that hospitality is a spiritual gift to be shared with loved ones and strangers alike. In fact, the Greek word translated as “hospitality” is actually a combination of two words—philos, meaning "affection" and zenos, meaning "stranger." Philoxenia – hospitality – is a sacred duty, signifying affection toward strangers. How then can the artist practice this hospitality through their art?
Whether through story, painting, song, film, poetry, sculpture, or other creative expressions of the heart of God, the Christian artist’s task is to communicate Truth and the Goodness of God in such a way that it translates to the hearts and souls of the hungry. In this session, we will consider what it means to approach art as an act of hospitality – to touch lives in an intimate, personal way and to create art that becomes a sanctuary for those whom God sends your way.