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Gabor Racz-Schliszka

Gabor Racz
Person Details
All Persons


  • Hungary
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Apologetics (Foundational) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Youth


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

As VP of REFISZ, I set the direction of the organisation. We aim to guide youth to Christ and help them be faithful and giving members of their local churches. My roles include decision-making, planning, organising, leading the youth group, delivering devotions and seminars, mentoring, and leading worship. As CFO of Ifjúságépítők, I lead an organisation that strives to equip and embrace youth ministry workers in the Carpathian Basin. My main focus is the entity's financials, but I mentor and occasionally deliver seminars. In addition, I am part of the youth group leader team in my local church.

When did you trust Christ?

In 2001, at a summer camp. Recent events had broken down my ego, and I was sure nobody loved me. But, through His Word and His people, God showed me how much He loves me despite my failures, sin, and hatred toward Him.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

There are many different instances that God has used to work in and through me. In 2005-06, I spent a year away from my family in Lee Abbey, London. It was like a spiritual furnace for me with a vast number of opportunities to bear witness via actions and words to people from all over the world. Then in 2008, at an IFES camp, the story of Haggai opened up to me on a deeper level. Later, in 2017 at REFISZ camp, God showed me Himself very deeply through a time of musical worship. Also, books from C.S. Lewis, Tim Keller, Philip Yancey, József Farkas, and many more authors have contributed to my faith in Christ and humility of spirit. Finally, Michael Reeves' presentation on the fear of God at ELF Online 2020 had a large impact on me.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

Thanks to the deep and refreshing seminars and sermons I have accessed in previous years, my knowledge and understanding of the triune God has grown, which has a huge impact on my personal life and ministry. I have also learned practical approaches to godly finances, mentoring, musical worship leading, etc.

Our annual, local youth ministry worker conferences have been improved in structure and content based on what we have experienced during the Forum. Since 2021 we have had around 900 attendees. Speakers have included: Ádám Szabados, Áron Ablonczy, Josh Patty, Róbert Fűtő, and many other Hungarian speakers.  

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have been a musical worship leader in the church, camps, youth groups, etc. I have been a part of youth group leader teams. I have been a part of the leadership of REFISZ since 2007.  I was also part of my church leadership team for six years.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

The evangelisation of youth and the preparation of the next generation of leaders are critical parts of the Great Commission and a place that has been neglected and therefore needs an immense amount of support.